Sunday, August 20, 2017

How to Improve your English Skill

Hello Viewers,

Hope you have a great day. this time i would like to share how to improve your English Skill in a simple way:

1. Try to speak up with your reflection in front of the mirror.  Believe it or not you can try this simple thing as your first step. Because this is a way to make you fluent and maintain your tongue. By practicing to speak up you would hear your clearly voice coming out from your lips and if you doubt the sound of the words you can Google how the words are pronounced.

2. Make your own schedule to read your English text book out loud everyday. This is important so you would be able to speak up fluently and maintain your tongue so it won't get stiff and you get used to it.

3. Read the news in English. Try to read news in English. e.g. that you can find on your smartphone because there are a lot of English news portals that you can use. This enriches your English vocabulary.

4. Besides reading news in English, another way is through installing free apps to learn more about English. There are many free apps that available in our smartphone to learn a new language. In this case it is not just English, this is intended to focus on the grammar, For instance, you can use memrise or duolingo. If you prefer to learn it from a book you might need one that focuses on grammar.

5. Join an English speaking community. Improving your English skill is needs a lot of effort. and joining an English speaking community will help you to achieve your goal of Improving your English skills. I would recommend BritZone English Club or another English Community in your area or elsewhere in Jakarta.

6. Listen to your favorite music or watch English movies without subtitles. This will help you practice listening for English words, phrases and expressions. you can also classify the culture of the speaker through their accents. Because different countries have different accents, such as British being different with American and also Australian.

7. last but not least join a competition. if you set your goals you can join an English Language Competition and become an expert.

I hope this list helps you to improve your English skills to be better at English and one day be the best.

Thank you



the sweetness

the tenderly

like it was just happened yesterday

voices and i still remember how i can't just let go of it,
the hug

the powerful

so much happiness


the flawless

i used to lean on

the sunrise

incredibly amazing and gorgeous smile

Senyuman Hangat dari Balik Tirai

Saat mengawali hari mentariku selalu saja mencari celah agar dapat membiaskan cahayanya yang berbinar dan seakan membisikkan untuk segera kembali dalam pangkuan selimut tidurku yang menggoda.
Saat diri terbuai dalam alam mimpi, muncullah ia dalam balutan ringkih selimut kecil nan tipis yang tertutupi kain katun yang menutupi hampir seluruhnya.
Ia lah mentari kecilku, di dalam buaiannya kadang membuatku lupa diri dan seakan ia menarikku dalam dunianya. Dan itu memang yang terjadi dan kamipun berdua menikmati moment itu.
Ia tak pernah kenal lelah untuk selalu menggodaku dan mengajakku untuk asyik menemaninya walau hanya sekadar untuk bermain dan tertawa bersama.
Dan ia pun bertingkah dengan lucunya saat berusaha ingin menyembunyikan dirinya dalam balik tirai. Dan sesaat itu akupun was -was.  Berusaha menyambut ajakan mainnya dan memperlihatkan wajah cemas dan berkata, "mana ya Dilla… kok tidak ada.. mana ya"… lalu ia pun akan memperlihatkan senyumannya dari balik tirai dengan gerakan yang malu-malu pada mulanya hingga ia memunculkan seluruh wajah imutnya dan dalam sekejap suasana di ruangan itu pun ikut bergema seakan menyambut ajakan mainnya dan melengkapi permainannya untuk  memperlihatkan kesenangan dan kegembiraan karena telah mengabulkan untuk ikut dalam permainannya.

Menikmati moment tersebut memberikan semangat baru dalam hidup yang penuh dengan keluh dan kesah tapi semua itu tampaknya luruh oleh senyuman manis dan binar sepasang mata tajam yang indah dan cemerlang.

First Visit to swimming pool with Baby Arya

Today April 30th 2017. Baby Arya come and he asks my promises to swim together. Well, i actually have arrange a schedule on his next visit of which today. so we go to Palm Bay Water park. The place is quite near with my home. and he seems really excited and without no time we go there together with Dilla and Baby Arya's mom.

We go there at 2PM and Baby Arya really happy to be there. He's a bit afraid at first, but he adapt quickly and he enjoying especially the wave